
League News


SMHA General Update - Pre-Season Camp Updates, Registration (re)Opens this Weekend, Siblings Sharing 50/50 Credits

Quick Note re: Pre-Season Camps

Pre-Season Camps are now underway. Please keep the following points in mind as per our SMHA Safety Rep, Danielle (Safety@FlyersHockey.ca). Thank you to the Covid Screening and On-Ice volunteers for helping out.
  • Spectators are to continue wearing non-medical masks when indoors until directed otherwise by the Sackville Arena
  • Parents are not allowed in the dressing rooms
  • Please do not crowd around the doors


We are pleased to (re)open the SMHA Regular Season this weekend. The SMHA Regular Season Registration Window is as follows:
  • Registration Opens: 9:00am Saturday, Sept 11, 2021
  • Registration Closes: 11:59pm, Sunday, Sept 26, 2021
Things to note:
- Stay tuned for a complete News Release from Hockey Nova Scotia re: recent Nova Scotia Public Health updates. Sport Nova Scotia has already released a statement. We will communicate more as soon as we get further information from Hockey Nova Scotia, so please check back to www.FlyersHockey.ca for updates.
- No Pay, No Play. Registration must be paid in full before the first ice time.
-There were about 200 SMHA Regular Season Registrations completed in early August when Regular Season Registration was online for 18hrs. Those completed registrations are still valid and no action is required from those families.
-There is no upper cap; everyone who wants to play will be able to play provided they sign up on time. 
- You *must* complete registration during the above registration window so that ice times can be planned appropriately for Competitive Tryouts and Evaluations. 
- If you miss the deadline, you are NOT guaranteed to be part of the Competitive Tryouts process.   

Sharing Carried-Forward 50/50 Credit Among Siblings for Regular Season Registration

Some SMHA families will receive an important email this evening from Registration@FlyersHockey.ca. The email will contain a questionnaire relating to sharing Carried-Forward 50/50 Credit among siblings. 
The email is targeting families in SMHA that have:
  1. more than one player in SMHA, AND
  2. a sizable Carried-Forward 50/50 Credit - meaning families with credit to pay for more than one player's registration this season.
Families must fill in that Questionnaire ASAP. There is work that must be done on the back end of HCR by the Registration & Finance volunteers for each player in these families, so it is not a small task. This workaround is only useful if it is done *before* these families register their players for the season.
If this specific situation applies to your family - even if registration opens before we get back to you - please wait until you have an individual reply from Helen (Registration) or Tara (Finance) before attempting to register

Looking Ahead

Early October: Competitive Tryouts for U11, U13, U15, and U18
Early-to-Mid October: Evaluations for U7 and U9 
Mid October: Recreation Evaluations for U11, U13, U15, and U18 Teams
Mid-to-Late October: Teams finalized, both Players and Coaches/Volunteers
End of November: First Flyers 50/50 of the 2021-2022 Hockey Season. 
December 1: Deadline for Mandatory Coach Certifications & Criminal Record Checks for volunteers (Contact Craig, RiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca for more information)
Questions re: Registration can be directed to Registration@FlyersHockey.ca, and questions re: Credits can be directed to Finance@FlyersHockey.ca; Please continue to be patient as we are dealing with a full-time volume of emails on a volunteer basis. Thank you to all SMHA Families for their patience during this transition to HCR 3.0.
Sep 10, 2021