
League News


Important Parent and Member Message from the President

Good afternoon,

As we are currently investigating numerous complaints, I want to remind our membership, parents and team staff of expected behaviors while attending any SMHA sanctioned games, practices, and team functions. This includes all out of area games and events as well. If you have acted inappropriately there is a good chance you are currently under investigation.

Unfortunately I along with the executive are dealing with numerous issues and complaints that are being directed to myself with regards to parent and team staff conduct and behaviour. This is completely unacceptable. You are supposed to be setting a good example for the children and represent our association and community with respect and class. Most all of these are recorded and will result in suspensions. When you act like this the person you hurt the most is your own child. Be the better person and address as an adult via the proper channels. I realize this represents a very small % of our membership, however it has become a significant issue as I am now dealing with several other associations on complaints and our governing bodies. Most of these have been directed towards other teams players, officials, and facility/hotel staff. There is no place for this and it will not be tolerated. It is a privilege not a right to be in attendance, and if you cannot act appropriately you will no longer be able to attend.
In addition to this we are currently investigating a number of player/team complaints as well. These are coming to me from other associations and via Hockey Nova Scotia as well, which remain ongoing.
Let's not get to the point where spectators will not be allowed in our venues.
? Respect for officials – Referees play a crucial role in the game, and while we may not always agree with every call, they are doing their best, just like our players. Disrespect, verbal abuse, or aggressive behavior towards officials from coaches, players, or parents will not be tolerated.
? Proper Conduct in the Stands and Around the Rink – Disrespectful behavior, arguing with officials, opposing teams, coaches, or other parents goes against the values of our association and violates the Parent Code of Conduct. This includes excessive yelling, profanity, or any form of harassment.
Please follow this link for our code of conduct policies:
Let me be very clear, there will be zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior in any SMHA sanctioned events. If there is a concern or an issue please follow the appropriate channels and processes in place to deal with grievances. 

Let's all work together and set the best example we can for our children and other associations to follow. We can do better, and need to be better!

Robert Nurnber


Sackville Minor Hockey Association www.FlyersHockey.ca


Feb 25, 2025