Sackville is Kraft Hockeyville 2025


Welcome to our information centre in support of our bid to make our Sackville Arena the 2025 Kraft Hockeyville winner! 

Lake District Recreation Association, the Sackville Arena and our Sackville Minor Hockey Association have joined in our bid to win the title of Kraft Hockeyville! This is our moment to make a lasting impact on future generations of local hockey players, skaters and fans! Each year, Kraft Hockeyville awards $250,000 to the community that demonstrates the greatest love for hockey and their local arena. The winning arena also gets the honour of hosting an NHL pre-season game!

With our love of hockey and our sense of community support Sackville IS Kraft Hockeyville 2025!!  

Goalie Game Sign up -

Mini Stick Tournament Sign up -

Join our Sackville Flyers - All In for the Arena - Kraft Hockeyville 2025 Facebook page today for updates and more information!


RALLY WEEKEND! January 18th and 19th, 2025 

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Our Kraft Hockeyville committee has been working diligently since the summer to host our Rally Weekend on Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th at the Sackville Arena. We have many planned events over these 2 days including the Bill Chase AAA cup, Exhibition games, fun on ice contests, bake sale, outdoor barbeque, 50/50 and entertainment. Headlining the event will be a live performance by the iconic Halifax band, Shameless, on Saturday, January 18th at the Arena grounds. 

Community Photo: On Saturday, January 18th at 5:00pm, we are asking that all SMHA teams who are not away at a tournament, please come to the Sackville Arena as we all line up outside for a drone photo to submit in our bid. Please wear your team jerseys for the photo! We need as many people as possible to attend! 

How can you help? We need as many Flyers, parents, fans, coaches, volunteers as possible to come out to the Rally over both days to support our bid! Just having the Arena packed to the brim is a great start to kicking off our Rally! 

Stories Room - The Kraft Hockeyville competition begins with the Nomination and Rally phase, during which communities across Canada submit stories explaining why their community should be the next winner. During both days of our Rally Weekend we will have volunteers set up with Chromebooks to help you submit your memories of the Sackville Arena in the form of stories, photos and videos to help us earn rally points that will bring us closer to victory!! 


Earn the Sackville Arena rally points from home 

Simply click on the Sackville Arena Kraft Hockeyville 2025 link to submit your stories, photos and videos from January 1st to March 2nd. The judges review the nominations, calculate the total scores, and select the Top 4 Finalists with the highest scores. The Top 4 then compete head-to-head in a round of voting to determine the winner. 

Check out this easy How to earn rally points video made by our SMHA President Rob Nurnber 

Like and comment - The more you react to and comment on other people's stories, the more points we get! 

Spread the word on social media and encourage others to join the rally! Do you know other teams from neighbouring associations within HRM that want to support our bid? Invite them!! The more jerseys we have at the Rally Weekend the better regardless of their home colours!!