To: Head Coaches and Team Managers
This message is going to cover the following points:
- Communication
- Buying & Selling Ice
- Annual General Meeting
- Manager Meeting
- Treasurer Meeting
- Team Email Address on Domain (Great for Treasurers!)
Communication: Google Group / Distribution List
We've created a Google "Group" / Distribution List within our Flyers Hockey Google Workspace.
- Includes all Head Coaches and Managers within SMHA.
- The Distribution List has been assigned an email address. (It is not being posted publicly on this News Article, please view this message in your email inbox.)
- Any email sent to that email address is automatically sent to all Head Coaches and All Managers
- Do Not Share this email address to outside sources; we don't want to inundate you - our Volunteers - with promotional emails, etc
- Please use common sense and be respectful and courteous when using the Distribution List. No promotions, no campaigning, no spamming.
If you find you are receiving too many emails with the Distribution List, please reach out to or to have your particular subscription changed to "once a day" to receive just a summary of the emails once daily instead of each one individually. If you entirely "Unsubscribe" you may miss important messages from SMHA.
This Group has been created to
- allow the Board of Directors to send messages out easily to all Head Coaches & Managers
- allow Head Coaches & Managers to communicate with each other easily re: Ice for Sale... which brings us to the next point
Buying & Selling Ice Times
If you have an ice time that you cannot use, you can use the above-mentioned Distribution List to communicate the full details of what you're selling. (Location, Date, Time, Cost). First-come-first-serve, and the buying team pays the selling team directly with a cheque.
- Seller: Send an email to the Distribution List with the full Details of what you are selling (Location, Date, Time, Cost).
- Buyer: Reply (not Reply All) to the seller & confirm you would like to purchase
- Seller: Release/Delete the ice from your schedule
- Buyer: All the ice to your schedule once the seller has released it.
- Both: Payment arrangements. Buyer pays the selling team directly.
Annual General Meeting
- Where: ONLINE (Details TBA)
- When: 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Thursday, November 4th, 2021
Please encourage your hockey families to tune in and to have their say by voting.
Platforms are available on under the AGM menu item on the main page.
Voting for the 6 available positions will happen in-person on Friday, Nov 5th at the Arena. Exact times TBA.
Team Managers Meeting
Coaches or other "Team Staff" are welcome to attend as well.
There will be some time for Q&A.
- Where: Sackville Arena, Mezzanine
- When: 6:pm-7:30pm, Sunday, November 7, 2021
Treasurer Meeting
Coaches/Managers are welcome to join in.
Managers: Please ensure your Treasurer has this information.
If you or your Treasurer is unable to make the Calendar Invite work, please email Nathalie Amirault,
- Where: ONLINE via Microsoft Teams
- When: 7:30-8:30pm (Please note the updated time; Initial email invite that some Treasurers may have seen showed a later time that evening.)
Hi Everyone, I will be holding a virtual Treasurer’s Meeting next Tuesday evening. I will be going over the following: * Anticipated timing of SMHA budgets and what we expect in them
* Using Google Sheets for accounting, and showing how to use our template
* Banking
* Year-end requirements
* Answering questions you may have I don’t have all emails for every treasurer (especially some of the Rec teams). If you know someone who is a treasurer but is not listed in the invite, please send me their address and I will add. Thank you! Nat
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting<> Or call in (audio only) +1 902-706-7799,,35928113#<tel:+19027067799,,35928113#> Canada, Halifax Phone Conference ID: 359 281 13#
Or call in (audio only)
+1 902-706-7799,,35928113#<tel:+19027067799,,35928113#> Canada, Halifax
Phone Conference ID: 359 281 13# Email Address (if desired)
SMHA is using Google Workplace, so we have the ability to create an email address for the team should your team be interested in having one.
The email address is a Google Account; you could use this account to sign in anywhere you can use a Google account.
This is especially handy for the Treasurer, as we will be using Google Sheets for Accounting this year.
For example, I created to use as the Treasurer, and set the Bank Account up with automatic EMT deposit.
I am happy to set that up for any Treasurer (or Manager) who wishes to have an email address with the domain to use for this season.
If interested send an email to and I'll set your team up.
Because it doesn't get said enough: Thank you Coaches & Managers for stepping up and volunteering.
Helen Scammell
Registrar & Webmaster
Sackville Minor Hockey Association