December 2 Update
Good day everyone,
Great game for our players yesterday - they are working so hard and you can definitely see their improvement. Now we just need to get a win - they definitely deserve it for the work they are putting in!
Here are some updates for the week ahead - it will be a busy one!
Monday December 2nd - Development practice 530-7 @ ECV.
Tuesday December 3rd - Game vs. Bedford Blue 615 @ Greenfoot Energy Center Rink D
Wednesday December 4th - Game vs. Dartmouth 6 pm @ Arena.
Thursday December 5th - Practice 5:30pm @ Arena
Friday December 6th - Mini Moose Game vs. Sackville Orange 4 pm @ Scotiabank Center.
- Mooseheads game at 7pm
Saturday December 7th - Extra practice 12-1pm @ Arena
Please remember to use the grayjay app to RSVP your player for all team events so we know if anyone will be missing.
Team Photo:
I'm not sure if everyone received this link to the team photo - apologies if I missed this but you can access it via this link and then download the one you like best: https:// sugarsnapphotography40.
The password is Hockey
Also if anyone hasn't downloaded their individual player pics yet you must do so before the 2 week mark to avoid the $25 late fee.
Team Sweaters Order:
These will be ready to pick up from the store in Kentville today - if anyone is going to the valley this week and wouldn't mind grabbing them please let us know, otherwise they will be delivered on Friday and we can give them out on Saturday at practice.
Mini Moose event December 6th:
There are still some tickets available for the game Friday night. Anyone wanting more tickets please let Helen know today.
Christmas Party:
This will be December 12th at 630 in the Mezz, after our practice (details to come on this practice from Coach Harvieux - I think he is planning something light and fun!). The kids picked names for their secret Santa at yesterday's game. If you do not know who your kid picked please let me know and I can tell you. The limit for the secret Santa gift is 25$.
We are asking parents to bring along a food item to the party - we have decided to go with "walking tacos" or "tacos in a bag" for the meal. If you player doesn't like tacos please let us know and we will ensure there is something for everyone. Here is a form to sign up for what you would like to contribute to the meal. This will be posted on the team website as well.
We will have a box in the Mezz during the party to collect food bank donations. It is important to us that we involve the players in events that give back to the community. If you are able to, please have your child bring item(s) appropriate for the food bank. The Beaverbank-Kinsac Fire Association will collect them from us and give them to a local food bank.
If anyone needs tickets for the NYE Mooseheads game prize pack please let us know. Each player can sell up to 100 tickets!
January Road trip!
As previously communicated we have 2 confirmed games on the south shore for January 25/26th - these have now been added to Grayjay. This will be an overnight trip and we have secured a block of 17 rooms at the Bridgewater Best Western at a rate of $152.99 plus tax. These rooms will remain in place until the release date of January 10th so make sure you book before then. This rate includes a hot buffet breakfast, and don't forget to pack bathing suits for the pool and waterslide
Parents can copy and paste the link below to confirm their booking online.

If you call to book please reference Sackville Flyers U11B Black hockey team.
We have been invited to an exhibition game in Truro December 22nd- We will place on poll on the Facebook group to see if we have enough players to commit - please complete it ASAP (today if you can!) so we can respond to them.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Helen or I anytime!
Jada and Helen