
League News


Update December 30th 2021


Dear Members,

Today's Breifing with Dr. Strang reinforced that our province's current restrictions are meant to manage and slow down the spread. The executive feels that we can begin practicing again while meeting the intent of Public Health by following Public Health guidance and implementing some of our own. We acknowledge that not everyone will be comfortable with starting again on Sunday. If a family chooses to keep their kids from hockey we expect that their decision will be supported by their team. Every family is in a different position and has to make decisions based on their situation. Additionally, we support managers and safety reps staying during practices as extra eyes to ensure everyone is following all the safety protocols.

Starting Sunday Jan 2nd 2022:

We will resume practices.

You may use your “ game time” ice for single team practice. Your VP will provide you an ice time if you don't have specific game ice.

No more shared ice practice.

Division VP’s will coordinate shared ice times into single team ice times.

No developments sessions

Division VP’s/teams will coordinate alternating ice. This ice may be used to support other requirements.

Goalie Sessions will be cancelled 

These ice times will be redistributed through the organization based on needs.

NO more Mezzanine rentals 


Additional Measures:

Groups of 10 Cohort's, these groups must remain the same.

Arrive FULLY DRESSED for ice times. Group 1 please arrive 20 mins before your start time and group 2, 15 mins before start time.

Each group will use their own dressing room, no intermixing at all.

Max of 20 in 2 groups per session. 

Please wear only 3 ply masks that are properly fitted.

MASKS ON for all coaches/players until you enter the ice surface.

All coaches who coach with multiple teams /organizations must wear a mask while on the ice at all times.

No affiliate players at this time

No parents in the dressing roomsU7/U9 chairs will be set up in the hallway for dressing assistance. 

No Spectators


Thank you all again for your continued cooperation during this time.




Rod Sturge

Vice President & Interim President

Sackville Minor Hockey Association



Dec 31, 2021