
League News


SMHA Gear & Stick Buy-Sell-Trade Event

SMHA Gear & Stick Buy-Sell-Trade Event 

The Springfield Lake Recreation Centre is booked for a SMHA Gear & Stick Buy-Sell-Trade Event. 

SMHA Families can bring their pre-owned gear and sticks (and even swag) to sell, trade, or donate.

  • When: 7-9pm, Friday September 9, 2022
  • Where: Springfield Lake Recreation Centre (266 Lakeview Ave, Middle Sackville)
  • Cost: FREE
  • There will also be a first-come, first-served donation area. 
To request a table or to volunteer at this event, please fill in the Google Form below. 
Participants are responsible for pricing their own items however they see fit. If you can, please provide a basic description of what you think you will bring to your table.

For more information, please contact:
Rod Sturge, VicePresident@FlyersHockey.ca
Melissa Berkvens, Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca 

SMHA Event Calendar www.FyersHockey.ca

Thank you


Aug 11, 2022