League News


Kraft Hockeyville Standings - 3 days until the nomination deadline!!

We have 3 days left to make a difference!!
Based on publicly available information and the amazing work of @Beverley Chan, who has manually gone through the most competitive Arenas to provide us with data, we are FIRST in Nova Scotia, THIRD in Canada and THIRD in the Eastern Division.
The top 4 Arenas are chosen by division - 2 from Eastern and 2 from Western.
Our overall standing recorded below is based on Rally Points. That means total stories, photos, notes and reactions. Total points will bring awareness of the Sackville Arena to the judges, but our overall score will be mostly earned on stories.
What is most important to understand is that the Judging Panel is subjective and based largely on our stories submitted. Arenas could have more or less total Rally points than us, but with great compelling stories, could still place in the top 4 Arenas regardless of Rally points standings.
Overall Score calculation:
80% of our overall score is based on Story submissions and is extremely subject to judging
20% of our overall score is rally points as outlined below in our rally points score
We need to drive Sackville to the top of the list as much as we can with stories and rally points!!
Together, we’ve already accomplished so much — now let’s push even harder in these final 3 days. Let’s show the judges why Sackville Arena deserves to be at the top!

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted to the Sackville Arena's bid for Kraft Hockeyville, we truly appreciate you!!

For those that can still take 5 minutes to help out, please visit our Sackville Arena Kraft Hockeyville Page to earn points!!
Feb 27, 2025