League News


Covid 19 - Phase 1 : POV no longer a requirement

We made it through Phase 1 of Nova Scotia's Reopening Plan and we have our sights on a new target date of March 7th for Phase 2

Feb 28, 2022

Director of Tournament - Volunteer Requirement

We are looking to revitalize tournament hosting within our assocation and hope that by next season our world will hopefully allow for this as well. We are looking to fill a key position of "Director of Tournaments" and that person will be responsible for: Budgeting, Planning and Executing Tournaments and recruiting volunteers to assist by way of a tournament committee. The Director will act as SMH's point of contact with Hockey NS to ensure all tournaments are published and advertised as required as well.

Please send all nominations or requests to volunteer for this position to: secretary@flyershockey.ca and vicepresident@flyershockey.ca by Feb 26th to be considered for this position.

Feb 21, 2022

Hockey Nova Scotia Update *COVID Close Contact Update*

Please see the following information regarding " close contacts" as per Hockey Nova Scotia. 

Thank- you again for your continued support to keep our members safe.

Please visit this linkHNS Close Contact Guidelines - Feb- 17 2022 


You should get tested 72 hours (3 days) after your last exposure, monitor for symptoms and follow the modified isolation advice below.

  • If you take a PCR or rapid testYou may stop modified isolation if the 72 hour PCR test or rapid test is negative AND you continue to not have any symptoms. 
  • If you are using rapid tests: You should complete a second rapid test 48 hours after the first one (day 5).

Until you get your first negative test result (PCR or rapid), you should:

  • Stay at home except to go to school, work or childcare (modified isolation).
  • Work from home as much as possible.
  • When at work, practice physical distancing including while eating or drinking.
  • Wear a properly fitted, three-layer cloth mask or medical mask outside your home, unless you are exempt. 
  • Follow public health measures including masking guidance in school and child-care settings.
  • Only do essential activities such as getting groceries or prescriptions if there is nobody else who can do it for them.
  • If symptoms develop, you must isolate fully and get tested.

If you do not complete testing, you are required to stay at home (except to go to school, work or childcare) for a full 7 days from your last exposure. 

If you test positive, you are considered a confirmed case of COVID-19. Please follow these instructions on what actions are needed as a case (i.e., how long to self-isolate and which contacts to notify).

Feb 18, 2022

Hockey Nova Scotia Update

Hello Members,

Please see the following uodate from Hockey Nova Scotia



Good evening everyone,


Earlier today, the province announced that beginning next week, COVID-19 restrictions will be eased over three phases. To read the complete release from the province, please click here.


Phase 1 will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, Feb, 14 and the following restrictions impacting hockey will go into effect:


  • Groups of up to 60 are now permitted in the field of play.
  • Teams can have practices and regular league games (see explanation below).
  • Competition is limited to regular league games. This refers to the current league that your team is playing in. If a game is part of your team’s regular league or competitive schedule, it is allowed. Bringing together teams that typically do not play one another is not allowed.
  • Tournaments are still not permitted.
  • Physical distancing is not required in the field of play; masks are recommended at all times when not on the ice surface.
  • Spectators are allowed up to the formal gathering limit; the formal gathering limit for gatherings is 50 per cent of capacity indoors. Capacities will vary by facility. Please check with your local rink. (NOTE: While today’s press release states that fitness, recreation and leisure businesses and organizations can operate at 75 per cent capacity and references arenas, we have clarified with the province that this section does not apply to hockey or spectators at a hockey game).


We know today’s update will be welcome news for our members as we return to game action. We are hopeful that we will continue to trend in the right direction. Phase 1 is the first step in a three phase reopening plan and each phase is expected to last about a month. We understand that the situation will be evaluated on a week-to-week basis and we will provide more information to you as soon as we have it.


We will also be providing an update later this month on how this will impact the remainder of the season (including provincial tournaments and other events).


Please continue to follow the protocols and thank you all for your continued support. As always, we appreciate your efforts and commitment to keeping everyone on the ice.




Amy Walsh

Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


Arnie Farrell


Hockey Nova Scotia



Garreth MacDonald

Communications & Special Events Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


259 Commodore Drive

Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0M1




Feb 10, 2022

NS Government Update - Feb 4th, 2022

Limits increasing as of Feb 7th for practices and hopeful for more changes Feb 14th. 

Click link for more details: https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20220204003

Feb 4, 2022

Hockey Nova Scotia Update

Good evening everyone,


Earlier today, the provincial government announced that the current provincewide restrictions would be extended until Feb. 14. To read the full press release from the province, please click here.


During the update, however, Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia, noted that, “We’ll continue to monitor closely and recognizing the importance of activities like sports, arts and culture to mental and physical health, we will open those activities sooner if possible.”


Premier Tim Houston also mentioned that, “The goal that we're… working towards is to relax some restrictions in arts and culture.”


He indicated that, depending on the hospitalization rate and the continued success of the booster campaign, the following could be allowed in the coming weeks:


  • sports teams could be allowed to resume full practices with their entire teams “around Feb. 7”
  • competitions and games could be permitted by Feb. 14


This is the goal of the province but a firm plan is not currently in place yet.


As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to work with Public Health and the province to get safely back to game action as soon as possible.


We would like also like to remind you about our next provincial member call on Monday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. We will provide an update during that call based on the latest information we have.


We will also pass along any updates to you as soon as we have them.


Thank you and we look forward to next week’s discussion.


Yours in Hockey,


Arnie Farrell


Hockey Nova Scotia


Amy Walsh

Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia



Garreth MacDonald

Communications & Special Events Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


259 Commodore Drive

Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0M1




Jan 27, 2022